Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rolly and Kathleen's Trip to the City Hall

Date: 5/2/11-5/4/11

Rolly and I left Wham after class and traveled to Du Quoin. We decided we better get something for dinner so went to my apartment to determine what ingredients we needed to buy. With our list in hand, we made a trip to Kroger. We came back to my apartment in Du Quoin and made my “Joe Mamas Famous Spaghetti” recipe. It was amazing. Rolly stuck to his dog food. Then we played Disney’s Scene It game with my daughter and boyfriend Chris. After our victory, we decided to hit the sack. The next morning, we took my daugher to the bus stop at Sacred Heart Church in Du Quoin and came back home. Then Chris, Rolly, and I made a trip to Du Quoin Library where we took a picture in front of City Hall where all the great town decisions are made. After that Rolly and I did some homework and traveled back to Carbondale to get our hair trimmed. Next, Rolly went to work with me. Since it was a late night at work, Rolly took a nap in my purse. We made the trip back to Du Quoin and finally hit the sack. We woke up for school with a bit of a struggle, but made it back to Carbondale just in time to take a science test and walked back to Wham to do some homework before he takes his next trip.

Destination: Du Quoin City Hall

Longitude: -89.2361935

Latitude: 38.0114393

Rolly Dog and Kathleen Kelley's Miles Traveled: 87.98

Total miles traveled by Rolly: 7151.98

1 comment:

  1. Correction with Megan's miles included Rolly's total traveled miles is 7,901.02.
