Sunday, May 1, 2011

Con goes to Marion with Michelle

Con took a short, but eventful trip to Marion with Michelle. During his time in Marion he got to spend a lot of time with Michelle's 6 year old, Kristen. She even took him for show and tell at school where she explained his purpose by telling the class, "My Mom is going to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher someday too so I can take my stuffed animals around with me like she does."

When I asked my kids where we should take Con to have his picture taken they all thought that he would like to have his picture taken, "at the tank". I'm not sure why my kids are fascinated by this tank that sits in front of the VFW in Marion, but they are, so that is where we took Con to have his picture taken. You have to look closely because Kristen is holding on to Con so tightly, but he is in the picture.

Con traveled 40.14 miles from Wham to my home in Marion, to Lincoln Elementary for show and tell, to the VFW to have his picture taken and back again. Con's Total Miles Traveled Thus Far: 10,859.65 Latitude 37.755585N Longitude 88.932738W

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