Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brittany and Con's Presidential Road Trip

Con and I were counting ALL the money we had in our piggy bank to get a cool and refreshing Coke from the Wham breezeway. We came along one shinny penny that caught Con's eyes. Con asked could we visit President Abraham Lincoln's Tomb and without hesitation we ran out of Wham with a Coke in our hands into the car. So off we went with 4,000 pennies in our pocket to fill the gas tank for our Presidential road trip. Once we reached our destination we became humble and very very quite to show respect to the great Abraham Lincoln. As we left to go back home, I know I saw Con shed a tear.
Miles Traveled with Brittany: 350.26
Latitude: 39.823283
Longitude: 89.657031
Total Miles Traveled by Con: 913.62

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